August 15, 2022 - Spiders

Spiders are among the creepiest and most terrifying pests for most homeowners. The eight-legged terrors can find their way into your home, searching for insects to feed on. While they play a critical ecological role, spiders can quickly become a nuisance pest. Bites from venomous species can lead to severe health complications for allergic individuals. Protect your family with active pest control in Denver, eliminating the spiders from your home.
The Ten Most Common House Spiders
Scientists first described the first spider taxonomy with binomial scientific names in 1757. More than a quarter millennium later, there are over 48,600 species identified. More than 4,500 types of spiders call the United States home. Identifying the different kinds of spiders in your home is vital in determining the pest control measure to adopt. Here are the ten most common spiders you can come across:
- American House Spider
- Brown Recluse
- Black Widow
- Funnel Web Spiders
- Wolf Spiders
- Yellow Sac Spider
- Jumping Spiders
- Cellar Spiders
- Banded Garden Spider
- Orbweb Spiders
Most of these indoor spiders pose no threat to humans. The only two venous house spiders you need to watch out for are the black widow and brown recluse. If you need help identifying the spiders invading your home, reach out to Denver pest control experts.
Spider 101: Identifying What Spider Is In Your House
It’s nearly impossible to know all the 4,500 spiders by just seeing them. Identification is often complex, requiring the expertise of a trained pest professional and a powerful lens. The two species that you should know about due to their venomous bites are:
- Black widow: These are arguably the most famous spiders in the U.S due to their tendency to feed on their mate after mating. The arachnid has a black body with an orange hourglass shape drawn on its abdomen.
- Brown Recluse: The brown spider tends to hide away from human contact, earning its name. It has a characteristic violin-shaped marking on its back that aids in identification.
Bites from these scary spiders can result in nausea, headaches, vomiting, extreme pain in the case of the black widow, and necrosis in the case of a brown recluse. If you suspect a spider bite from either of these dangerous home invaders, seek medical attention immediately.
Do All Spiders Bite Humans?
Not all spiders bite humans. Only a handful of spider species are willing to live within homes. An even lesser number will bite or have any worrisome toxin. However, you should be cautious to avoid a trip to the emergency room. Here are tips to prevent spider bites:
- Seal all holes, gaps, and cracks in your home that the spiders can use to enter.
- Use essential oils with scents spiders hate to repel the bugs.
- Eliminate food sources by carrying out effective pest control within your home.
- Set up traps to capture the spiders and release them outside your home.
- Use bug spray or dust to kill the spider, though not recommended.
- Clear yard debris that provides hiding and breeding spots.
- Check your footwear for bugs before wearing them.
The tips above can prevent nasty bites from venomous spiders. If the infestation is getting out of control, call spider control experts.
The Key To Keeping Spiders Out Of Your Home
The secret to eliminating spiders from your Denver home is eliminating the food sources attracting the critters to your property. As they feed on insects, pest extermination services from Absolute Pest Control can help eradicate the unwelcome bugs and the predator spiders.
Our experts can help you identify the different types of spiders invading your home and recommend the appropriate treatment options. Contact us today to learn more about our pest control services in Denver.